Tuesday, February 23, 2010

100 Incredible Lectures for History Lovers

Here you’ll find 100 of these lectures that will help you indulge your history enthusiasm by learning about everything from the fall of the Berlin wall to ancient Egyptian history and just about anything in between.

Watch James Burke's Connections on youtube.

Connections was a TV series was made in 1978 that turned science into a detective story. As the Sherlock Holmes of science, James Burke tracks through 12,000 years of history for the clues that lead us to eight great life changing inventions. In my opinion one of the best shows on TV, and now you can watch them on youtube.

Online Magazines For Graphic Designers

This online graphic design magazine list contains a variety of top-notch publications blueprint highly recommends having a look at, even if you are looking for something to kill the spare time.

The Comprehensive Guide to Saving Images for the Web

On the surface, saving images for the web can be a pretty straightforward process. However, if you dig deeper there’s a wealth of information and techniques you might be missing out on.

Facebook Is the Web’s Ultimate Timesink

The average U.S. Internet user spends more time on Facebook than on Google, Yahoo, YouTube, Microsoft, Wikipedia and Amazon combined.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Innovative Collaboration Platforms For The Creative Community

Here are five of the newest and most effective social outlets that help designers, web artists and other creative ppl to find new collaborations.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

10 Easy Steps To Advanced Photography Skills

Trey Ratcliff describes some professional insights and useful photography tips that he collected over the years of his career.

Incredible Staple Art by Baptiste Debombourg

Using just a white wall as his backdrop, Debombourg carefully placed 35,000 staples over a period of 75 hours to create two pieces of art. These are titled Air Force One and Air Force Two. via design you trust

Monday, February 15, 2010

Lego Augmented Reality

Really interesting kiosk using augmented reality at the Lego Store in Woodfield Mall, Schaumberg, IL.


Would you like to change your photos into beautiful graphic design pieces? “addLib” is an application for iPhone that edits your photos and creates a variety of design based on educated theories.


Meet the Michelangelo of pixel art.

30 Best Written And Explained Logo Design Tutorials

Kannan Sanjeevan has compiled 30 stunning logo design tutorials, which not only will help you to design a logo but also inspire you greatly.


Retouching is the common tool used to enhance fashion photos after the fact but have a look at the amazing things good old creative styling can do presented in the T-Magazine

Friday, February 12, 2010

50 Freelance Job Sites For Designers & Programmers

This article is dedicated to designers and developers who wanted to achieve financial freedom in freelancing.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Versioning Feature for Amazon S3 Now Available

Amazon is pleased to announce the availability of the Versioning feature for beta use across all of Amazon S3 Regions. Versioning allows you to preserve, retrieve, and restore every version of every object in an Amazon S3 bucket.

Monday, February 8, 2010

PaTTeRN: Good Used To Be Easy

GOOD USED TO BE EASY is an interesting article of a series called pattern. Patterns are thought provoking trends that designers of IDEO, an innovation consultancy, see across projects and out in the world.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Sketchpad is a free application utilizing html 5 and canvas to allow anyone with a web-connection and a recent copy of Safari, Firefox, Opera, or Chrome the ability to create beautiful drawings.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Building a laser trigger for your camera

Haje Jan Kamps recently built a little device which triggers his camera whenever a laser beam is broken – It’s about as simple an electronics project as you can pull off.


theseamericans.com contains the American (1950's through 1980's) vintage and vernacular photograph collection of American Suburb X. Also contained are select archives from the Library of Congress and the Documerica Project (1971-1977) which was sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency

TypingWeb Offers Free Typing Lessons

Whether you're an able but slow touch typist, or you never graduated beyond hunting and pecking, TypingWeb is a free and easy to use online typing tutor that will help you hone your keyboard chops.